Amazing invention : A Dryer that can dry clothes in half the time without heat

    "Evaporating water   with heating elements,  [like] commercial  dryers do, is energy- intensive no matter how you design it," Momen, a researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, told CNNMoney. The ultrasonic concept is, "just displacing the water with a low-energy, high-frequency vibration."
Instead of the traditional heating elements, Momen and his team's ultrasonic dryer uses electric devices called piezoelectric transducers that emit sounds so high-pitched even Fido can't hear them. The sounds cause vibrations that shake the wet fabric so vigorously that all of the moisture can be extracted even in cold air. That water is turned into a mist and collected in a little tank for the user to drain later. 

Waiting an  hour for your  clothes to dry can feel tedious.
But scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee have developed a dryer
 that could make doing laundry much quicker. Called the ultrasonic dryer, it's expected to be up to five times more energy efficient than most conventional dryers and able dry a large load of clothes in about half the time.

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